S koncem aprila se je končno razcvetela pomlad. Z otoplitvijo smo izza toplih peči na hitro prestopili pragove svojih domov in se začeli razgledovati po naravi, ki je na hitro ozelenela in vzcvetela. Vrtnarsko orodje je samo klicalo po delu.

Naslednji korak- zasaditev. Odkar imam svoj vrt, sem si letos prvič narisala načrt. Načrt dobrih sosedov na gredici, ki bo naslednje leto uporaben tudi pri načrtu kolobarjenja. Paradižniki so dobili isto gredico kot so jo imeli lani, saj imajo paradižniki radi vsako leto isti prostor, ne kolobarijo. Ker imam pač vrt in ne cele njive, sem se najprej odločila katere zelenjave čez poletje največ porabim in katero pospravim za ozimnico. Vsega ne morem pridelati. Da bo vrt kar najbolj izkoriščen, ga bom zasadila v dveh, če že ne v treh nadstopjih. To bom letos poizkusila prvič.
V prvi vrsti je moj vrt bio vrt. In tukaj se začnejo težave. Kaj je bio vrt? Vrt brez umetnih gnojil, strupov? Vsekakor. Kaj pa semena? Na nekaterih vrečkah ssemeni piše, da semena niso za uživanje. To že ni dober znak. In ko prebiram o GSO, ugotovim, da ne vem kakšno poreklo imajo semena, ki jih imam "domača", od doma, od sosede, starejše hercegovke, iz katerega semena so zrasle sadike, ki sem jih do sedaj kupovala pri vrtnarju. Gensko so začeli semena spremenjati že po 2. svetovni vojni. V principu so gensko spreminjali predvsem semena industrijskih kultur, kot so krompir, koruza, soja, pšenica... Najbrž niso GS semen bazilike, vodne kreše, rdeče redkvice? Kaj pa repo, blitvo, cvetačo, rdečo peso? Pa recimo, da jih niso. Niso v Sloveniji. Koliko semena, ki ga pakira Semenarna je dejansko pridelanega v Sloveniji? Koliko ga Semenarna uvozi? Kaj pa uvožena pakiranja semen, ki so naprodaj po naših trgovinah? In kolikoje bilo do danes rastlin, ki so morebiti zrasle iz GS semen, zacvetele na naših vrtovih in so veter in čebele prenesle ta pelod na nspremenjene, ekološke rastline?
Moj vrt sem kupila s stanovanjem. Sama že pazim kaj dam v Organkota, ki ga potem uporabim za zastirko na vrtu, ne vem pa kako je bila gnojena zemlja prej.
Ravno toliko sem zadnje čase brala o GSO, da sem zmedena, da kronično dvomim v vse kar kupim in kar zaužijem. Najbrž je še vedno manj škodljiva zelenjava, ki jo vzgojim na svoji gredici, pa četudi semena niso bila ekološko vzgojena, kot solata, ki jo kupim v trgovini ali bližnjem zelenjavarju? Tista je zabeljena vsaj še s pesticidi.

Tole razpredanje bi lahko nadaljevala in na koncu ugotovila, da ortoreksija niti ni tako nenavadna bolezen za današnji čas...
In tako sem zopet pri svojem malem bio vrtu, ki bo za začetek čez kakšen teden postregel z berivko, ki si jo bom zabelila z jajcem od sosedove kure, zraven pa popečen piščanček z eko kmetije v Poljanski dolini. Nobenih chicken nuggetsov:)
By the end of April this years long long winter finally left. Sun and warmth were good reasons to finally start with gardening. This year I made a scheme of my vegetable plots. As I only have a garden not a whole field I had to decide what vegetable I use most during the gardening period. After this I made a scheme of good neighbours. A scheme will be also used next year for rotation of crops.
Act of choosing seeds had followed. Here the hard work begun. Well I use seeds I brought up last season from my garden and my mother and neighbour gave them to me and at the end I do not know the origin of the herb and have been doubting should I buy all new ones, biological ones? I did some googling about GMO seeds and at the end I figured it out I can not completely avoid GMO because it can be find in almost every food we buy it in groceries but I came to an end how very carefully we should be at what we eat. At the end every salad from my own garden is better than the one from a market, where not only GMO but also pesticides poisoning will come along. I do not spray my plants with insecticides, I use only natural sprays of horsetail, valerian, chammomile, nettle, milk sprays and I use my own compost.
Lately I`ve been reading and listening so much about artificial food. As the news about artificial eggs is already old, I heard just recently about fake cheese and rice made of plastic and ice-cream made of all sorts of junk. Is that really possible? Ok, I can resist rice, I can buy cheese from lokal farmers and can be sure it is made of milk not petroleum or plastic. As Jamie says if you don`t understand crazy words on the back of food packs you better not buy it. Meet from a slaughtered animal at the local farm may really not look as attractive as a nicely looking beef, pork or horse steaks we are offered in groceries but we can be sure it is from the animal.
The sad part of healthy food is its price. And nowadays when we are told about financial crisis on every step we do, I believe people are choosing cheaper food which is usually low quality.
I am not sure about the financial crisis as we still spend money for stupid and unneeded stuff. A bigger crisis is our poisoned planet where we can`t grow really biological food anymore. Orthorexia is not so strange illness anymore...
Well, I am having a delicious salad from my garden, today. I will enrich it with an egg from my neighbour`s family farm, olive oil from Croatian island and with vinegar my mum make from apples from her garden and grilled chicken steak on the side. No chicken nuggets:)
Bon apetit!

Act of choosing seeds had followed. Here the hard work begun. Well I use seeds I brought up last season from my garden and my mother and neighbour gave them to me and at the end I do not know the origin of the herb and have been doubting should I buy all new ones, biological ones? I did some googling about GMO seeds and at the end I figured it out I can not completely avoid GMO because it can be find in almost every food we buy it in groceries but I came to an end how very carefully we should be at what we eat. At the end every salad from my own garden is better than the one from a market, where not only GMO but also pesticides poisoning will come along. I do not spray my plants with insecticides, I use only natural sprays of horsetail, valerian, chammomile, nettle, milk sprays and I use my own compost.
Lately I`ve been reading and listening so much about artificial food. As the news about artificial eggs is already old, I heard just recently about fake cheese and rice made of plastic and ice-cream made of all sorts of junk. Is that really possible? Ok, I can resist rice, I can buy cheese from lokal farmers and can be sure it is made of milk not petroleum or plastic. As Jamie says if you don`t understand crazy words on the back of food packs you better not buy it. Meet from a slaughtered animal at the local farm may really not look as attractive as a nicely looking beef, pork or horse steaks we are offered in groceries but we can be sure it is from the animal.
The sad part of healthy food is its price. And nowadays when we are told about financial crisis on every step we do, I believe people are choosing cheaper food which is usually low quality.
I am not sure about the financial crisis as we still spend money for stupid and unneeded stuff. A bigger crisis is our poisoned planet where we can`t grow really biological food anymore. Orthorexia is not so strange illness anymore...
Well, I am having a delicious salad from my garden, today. I will enrich it with an egg from my neighbour`s family farm, olive oil from Croatian island and with vinegar my mum make from apples from her garden and grilled chicken steak on the side. No chicken nuggets:)
Bon apetit!